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                          | |       | |
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  \_/ |_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/_| |_|\__,_|


vmashd is a command-line tool built on top of the moviepy library. It takes subclips from a directory of movie files and randomly forms a video set to one or more audio files.

How it works

Audio files are concatenated (no crossfade - yet) and normalized to avoid differing volume outputs between songs. Short video clips are then (mostly) randomly joined together from any video clips in the specified directory to match the length of the combined audio. Video files are weighted by length to make sure a short clip doesn’t appear in a disproportionate amount.


Captions can be added (at random) by providing a text file. Currently no other configuration options are provided, but they are planned.


Install ImageMagick prior to adding captions to your video. Linux and MacOs should identify the libraries without additional configuration. Windows users should reference moviepy’s documentation.


Random effects can be applied to random video clips. See the How To Mash section for more information.

A blur effect can be applied across the entire video using the –blur option.
